国产观短片改编。Ready for a night of partying, a group of Black and Latino college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an emergency.
国产观短片改编。Ready for a night of partying, a group of Black and Latino college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an emergency.
回复 :On the last day on Earth, one woman goes on a journey through LA to make it to her last party before the world ends, running into an eclectic cast of characters along the way.
回复 :时尚女魔头唐拉拉在前往放生池许愿的过程中意外落水穿越到民国金府,阴差阳错竟成了金府的二少奶奶。唐拉拉的到来搅得这个本来压抑如湖水般的民国宅院波澜四起并与金府二少爷金涛上演了一出啼笑皆非又浪漫非凡的民国爱恋。
回复 :在俱乐部Honey Bunny担任雇佣店长的清原修造(藤原龙也 饰)赌马时弄丢店里的营业额,为免被老板破魔翔(窪塚洋介 饰)杀死,他被俱乐部头牌茉莉亚(中岛美嘉 饰)拉去向恐怖魔女涉柿多见子(池畑慎之介☆ 饰)举债。拆东墙补西墙的做法无济于事,修造找来最信赖自己的小弟小 岛一德(田中圣 饰)和生意濒临破产的常客金森健(小杉龙一 饰),策划了抢劫银行的行动。抢劫当天,三人事成后回到Honey Bunny,可是分赃不均产生内讧。而在这次银行劫案背后,又有多方势力以及阴谋介入其中。尔虞我诈,坑蒙拐骗,谁也不知结局将会如何……本片根据木下半太的小说原作改编。