亚洲级A family with buried secrets reunite at a farmhouse after two decades to pay for their past sins.
亚洲级A family with buried secrets reunite at a farmhouse after two decades to pay for their past sins.
回复 :一双绣花鞋,隐藏着一个死亡诅咒,凡是穿过绣花鞋的人都意外惨死,无一幸免安雯大病未愈,摆脱了丈夫潘航和医生的看护,独自逃回老家古宅生活。安雯在老宅发现了一双祖上流传并受到死亡诅咒的绣花鞋,阴差阳错之下绣花鞋穿在了她的脚上,意外开启了绣花鞋上的死亡诅咒。咒怨生效冤魂索命,盘桓在老宅之中的诡影无处不在,无法摆脱的恶灵如影随形,迫使频临崩溃的安雯做出疯狂的举动,陷入一场危机四伏的惊魂逃亡……
回复 :A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill at all.
回复 :这是一部真实反映企鹅生活的电影。南极大陆的北部气候温和,食物充足;而南部则终年覆雪、气候寒冷,食物短缺。但南部也有其好处,那就是这里生态稳定,没有天敌的追击。为了让企鹅宝宝健康成长,企鹅爸爸妈妈每年都会从北部来到南部孵化小企鹅蛋。企鹅爸爸和企鹅妈妈轮流进行孵蛋工作,另 一方则不远万里去找寻食物。途中的艰辛任何人都难以承受,而柔弱的企鹅们则每年都这样往复进行着这项艰辛的任务。影片所展现的顽强的生命力发人深省。