回复 :Session Aces. Keepers of Time. Vocalists. Composers. The sidemen and sidewomen who play the riffs and fills we imitate in the air. When we turn up the radio, chances are we are listening to one of these players. A-listers have them on speed dial. International tour or recording session, who're they gonna call? A "Hired Gun." This feature length one-off documentary introduces the prolific musicians who are virtually unknown to the public. Billy Joel, Whitesnake, P!NK and Metallica are synonymous with their own artistry and success, but who is responsible for their instrumental solos? Who tours with them live? It is the consummate side players who kill it show after show, often playing circles around the actual band members. In "Hired Gun," viewers learn the firsthand stories from individuals who have mastered their craft and perform on the world's biggest stages. This film details the highs and lows of touring life, the demands of hectic session schedules, and the dedication required ...
回复 :《空中浩劫》是一个由加拿大Cineflix制作的空难纪录片节目,其英文原版分别在世界各地的国家地理频道及Discovery频道播出,加拿大魁北克省在Canal D以法文播出,中国中文版则由多个电视台获得其版权。此节目主要介绍1970年代黑匣子发明之后所发生的近代重大航空事故。《空中浩劫》会以模拟演出的方式,分别以乘客、机师等不同人的视角,从一开始旅客登机、起飞,一直到事故发生、后续善后及调查为止,重现事件的整个过程。
回复 :1989年,位于缅因州的德里市,正被恐怖的阴影所笼罩。从上一年开始,儿童失踪案接连发生,似乎某个可怕的未知存在悄然来到了人们中间。痛失弟弟的少年比利(杰顿·李博赫 Jaeden Lieberher 饰),决定和艾迪、瑞奇、史丹利等伙伴利用暑假寻找弟弟乔治的下落。不久之后,遭小坏蛋们欺负的小胖子本、被疯传放荡的坏女孩贝弗莉以及父母死于大火的孤儿麦克相继加入这个受到嗤笑的窝囊废联盟。在这一过程中,他们经历了一连串的超自然的恐怖体验。少年们发现,在这个被诅咒的城市,每隔27年非正常死亡人数就会飙升。狞笑着的小丑(比尔·斯卡斯加德 Bill Skarsgård 饰),深入每个人的心底,挖掘他们最恐惧的部分……本片根据斯蒂芬·金的同名原著改编。