回复 :J.G. Ballard的小说...无语...Most Remarkable Film I Have Ever SeenWhile definitely not for everyone, this movie effectively captures J.G. Ballard's difficult novel of the same name. More visual than literal, The Atrocity Exhibition forces the viewer to re-think the art of film and of story telling. It effectively communicates in a new language that caused some who saw it to declare that it 'changed their lives'. It changed mine as well, although I'm not exactly sure in what way. And while I can't say that I completely 'got ' the story, the story that I got was fascinating and one that I can't forget. I've since read the book and that certainly helped, but it wasn't necessary to enjoy the film. This film stands as one of my favorites alongside the best works of Kubrick, the Coen brothers and Hitchcock.
回复 :被第四类接触掳走的老豆化作畸变怪狗归家,寄生妇孺,石屎森林异象丛生:摇摇锤小丑,割喉溜溜球,巨大化玩具兵坦克黑豹轰杀食人,被害者感染作茧产卵……英式怪奇cult片,尺度比好莱坞大不少啊
回复 :艾蜜莉与丈夫杰克过着衣食无虞的婚姻生活,看似幸福美满的她,其实常遭受冷落,杰克阴晴不定的性格与更让艾蜜莉屡屡失望。但就在某天,一位迷人的女子突然走进她的世界,那双热切的双眼与温柔的抚摸都是她未曾体会过的美好……