吊带With his mom's salon on the brink of bankruptcy, a dedicated son rolls up his sleeves to help and discovers himself as the coolest barber on the block.
吊带With his mom's salon on the brink of bankruptcy, a dedicated son rolls up his sleeves to help and discovers himself as the coolest barber on the block.
回复 :The plot introduces us to compulsive gambler Sergio, who, despite having promised his partner that he has overcome his accursed addiction, receives a tip-off about a rigged football match. Fully intending to get back all of the money he has lost recently, he returns to his regular betting shop, intent on winning. Everything seems to be going swimmingly, when suddenly Alejo, another habitual gambler, bursts into the joint with a weapon.
回复 :尼洛和爷爷相依为命,住在安特卫普镇的北方。爷孙两人靠运送牛奶维生。在教堂里有幅画深深影响着尼洛,这是让尼洛热衷于绘画的原因……尼洛在运送牛奶的途中,看到了受到五金行老板虐待的狗帕奇,心中念念不忘帕奇被欺负的情景,不知帕奇会再和尼洛有任何的奇遇吗?
回复 :王三分的老婆马小莲出轨王三分的老板宋祖德闹得沸沸扬扬,因此王三分伙同徐和辱骂马小莲为马金莲。然而马小莲并不承认自己是马金莲,家庭矛盾一触即发。与此同时徐和爱上了邻居孟潞,并整天尾随其后,但又不敢大胆表白,于是找王三分帮忙,而此时的王三分正深陷家庭矛盾之中,一时难以自拔。某天,马小莲与宋祖德再次幽会时被王三分跟徐和抓了个正着,宋对自己的行为供认不讳,并主动答应赔偿10万元精神损失费与名誉损失费...