回复 :一个独立自强的飞行员努力维系家族生意,但她却爱上了前来永久接管其业务的企业代表
回复 :Jennifer is a seventeen years old misfit punk teenager that uses piercing, tattoos, wears only black clothes and dyed hair, self-inflicts injures and has fixation for death. She misses a father and a normal mother, since Mrs. Benson has trouble in the communication with her, and feels absolutely rejected. While looking for a job, she meets the forty-nine years old Randall Harris, a lonely man who owns a shopping store, and he hires her. They are opposites but with loneliness and lack of friends in common. They become close friends, and their interaction changes their behavior for good while secrets and feelings are disclosed.
回复 :主人公志行(谭耀文 饰)是一位地产经纪,他过着平凡的生活,对所有的事情都漫不经心。然而,在某一天,他重逢了小学时的体育老师老黄。老黄为了践行他和已故妻子的10公里跑步约定,即使身体不好也坚持练习准备参赛。与此同时,老黄的学生天心也为了和她的偶像一起跑步,毅然决然地减肥并全力以赴,她下定决心完成人生中的第一次5公里街跑。志行看到老黄和天心为各自的目标奋发努力,而自己却身处人生的十字路口迷失不知所措,感到自己的人生没有动力。一天,20年前的回忆突然来到志行的面前,给他的内心带来了一缕光明,照亮了他那被阴霾笼罩的心灵。这一次,志行下定决心要给自己的人生注入活力,重新振作起来。