回复 :瑞塔(瓦丽缇莎·玛黑颂 Varitthisa Limthammahisorn 饰)在去签署一份非常重要的商业合同的途中遭到了奸人的绑架,和她一起被绑走的,还有瑞塔年幼的儿子。坏人将这对母子带到了一座偏僻的小岛上,准备在这里对他们施暴,幸运的是,小岛的岛主纳布(苏格拉瓦·卡那诺 Sukollawat Kanarot 饰)即使出现,救下了瑞塔和她的孩子。刚开始,瑞塔并不相信纳布,觉得他亦对她有所图,但随着时间的推移,纳布无微不至的关照和对她时刻保持的尊重终于让瑞塔卸下心防。然而,瑞塔和纳布却并不能名正言顺的走到一起,因为瑞塔在曼谷有丈夫。实际上,瑞塔一直怀疑,当初绑架自己的人,正是丈夫派出的,于是,纳布决定陪同瑞塔前往曼谷,调查事件的真相。
回复 :《雾锁南洋》在获得了史无前例的成功之后,立刻开拍了《雾锁南洋续集》。配合庆祝建国25周年,分成《风雨同舟》和《赤道朝阳》两个部份的《雾锁南洋续集》在1984年8月6日国庆日前三天正式启播。所谓的建国25周年,是以1959年新加坡成为自治邦为准。1959年到1984年,正好25年。《风雨同舟》从日治时期结束,英军回返新加坡那个时期说起,通过剧中人物的故事带出了新加坡五六十年代建国时期所经历过的种种过程。福利巴士大罢工、共产党问题、学生示威、居者有其屋计划、政治发展等一系列历史事件一一重现在观众眼前。在剧中,你可以看到已经是属于历史文物的倒粪车,五十年代的救火车,还有所谓的福利巴士车。剧中有两个人物是从首集的《雾》延续下来的。那就是徐琳饰演的庄晓岚(澍承佩如的孩子),以及王玉青饰演的何国瑞(文永和向云的孩子)。至于《赤道朝阳》,则从英军撤退那个时期说起,讲的是七八十年代的新加坡,牵涉到的课题包括国民服役,经济政策等。
回复 :Mrs. Brown's Boys became a runaway success upon its initial broadcast. Every episode aired won its timeslot for RTÉ, with an average viewership of 753,500 in January, 2011. One episode's rating beat that of RTÉ's own ratings giant The Late Late Show, with 856,000 viewers tuning in to watch. However, critics disliked the show. "The whole thing is entirely predicated on viewers finding a man dressed as a foul-mouthed elderly woman intrinsically funny," noted Bernice Harrison in the Irish Times. "If you do, you’re away in a hack (and the viewing figures are astronomical), but if you don’t, and you think that died out with Les Dawson and Dick Emery, then it’s a long half-hour." The Irish Independent said that Mrs Brown's Boys was the type of TV programme that "that makes you vaguely embarrassed to be Irish". The Daily Telegraph's Sam Richards noted that show's comedy has a "rudimentary nature", consisting of "an old-fashioned blend of silly voices and slapstick, played out in front of a live studio audience who collapse into giggles at the mere mention of the word “willy”.