亚洲The tragic and controversial story of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in Texas for killing his three children after scientific evidence and expert testimony that bolstered his claims of innocence were suppressed.
亚洲The tragic and controversial story of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in Texas for killing his three children after scientific evidence and expert testimony that bolstered his claims of innocence were suppressed.
回复 : 由金马影展发起之《10+10》电影联合创作计划,号召台湾电影人大团结,共汇聚二十位台湾电影导演,每人分别拍摄五分钟短片,以「台湾特有」为中心题旨,但不限形式与剧本内容,完全授权给每一位导演自由发币挥、想象与创作。《10+10》意谓这二十位导演将拍摄出片长一百分钟的电影, 影展也期待这聚合一气的影响力,激发出远超过影片本身的庞大能量!这二十部“台湾特有”的短片,类型有温馨、有纯爱、有惊悚、有纪录、有荒谬、有黑色喜剧、有社会写实亦有魔幻想象,有旧日重现亦有当代现况,议题包涵了城乡差距、时代变迁、自我嘲讽、校园暴力、家族情感、青春情怀、媒体力量、历史回顾等等,全面观照了台湾社会过去这百年来的变迁,也从中掏洗出历史洪流里不可或忘的记忆与情感。金马影展期待《10+10》不仅只是一部电影,在值此百年之际,汇聚这些优秀导演们的创作能量,透过影展向国际发声,让台湾的文化与创意软实力更被全世界看见。
回复 :导 演:肖立波编 剧:肖立波主 演:牛犇、黄子豪、胡奥片 种:故事片类 型:儿童出品单位:深圳市凯麦拉文化传播有限公司、圣森影视文...长 度:93分钟出品年代:2009剧情简介马妮因期末考试位居第二被妈妈禁止看儿童话剧《休玛传奇》,得第一的张树在与同学们看完话剧后对话剧产生质疑, 决定带领同学们重新排演话剧,马妮拒绝参加。张树,许远,周浩在准备话剧排演的过程中遇到场地,服装,演员等方面的困难,张树的爷爷张石根是个身经百战的老将军,他默默观察着张树排演话剧的进程并提供帮助,并把自己儿时抗日伙伴王铁柱也拉入孙子排演话剧的环保活动中。马妮的妈妈终于在张石根一个抗战故事的感动下,认清到自己对马妮的管束过于严厉,并让马妮参加了话剧演出,在一群小孩的努力下,话剧的演出圆满落幕。
回复 :本片根据波兰著名同名小说改编,讲述了二战期间,华沙被纳粹德国军队占领,波兰童子军的年轻人们与德国占领者进行英勇斗争的故事。Based on a well-known Polish novel with the same title the movie re-tells a true life story of a group of scouts called ''Szare Szeregi'' (Gray Ranks) during the Nazi occupation of Warsaw and the liberation of one of its members (imprisoned and tortured by the Germans) through a maverick military action in board daylight right under the enemy's nose known ''Action at the Arsenal'' which was the biggest single feat of the sort undertaken by a youth resistance organisation in all of occupied Europe during WWII.