美好A young man has a mere six hours to escape with his best friend from their hometown before a nuclear reactor explodes.
美好A young man has a mere six hours to escape with his best friend from their hometown before a nuclear reactor explodes.
回复 :The mysterious jungles of Thailand are home to some of the rarest wild cats on earth - the Clouded Leopard, The Asian Leopard, The Indian Fishing Cat and the Indo Chinese Tiger. In one of the last truly wild corners of the world this extraordinary collection of secretive predators defend their last remaining stronghold. As their territories intertwine and continuously shift, these cats must cheat death on a daily basis if they are to survive and thrive out in these tangled lands.
回复 :三池崇史2001年黑帮群像剧,分“抗争勃发篇”和“血战篇”两部。现为横沟一家•樋口组组长的樋口洋一(竹中直人 饰)与其小弟剑崎国彦(加藤雅也 饰)来自同一山村,二人亲如兄弟。经过多年打拼,樋口组已成为令敌对帮派不敢轻易碰触的强大组织。白根组是横沟一家的敌对帮派,两派划河为界,纷争不断。某天一白根组成员(三池崇史 饰)在横沟所辖的俱乐部闹事被杀,白根组派杀手(白龙 饰)暗杀横沟一家总长(Micky Curtis 饰),致使两派战火点燃。视总长如父亲的剑崎作为先头军向白根组发动攻击。另一方面,号称拥有1万成员的天成会新任干事长海藤龙宣(松方弘树 饰)欲将横沟一家与白根组纳入麾下,横沟高级干部土屋(秋野太作 饰)和水岛(伊武雅刀 饰)密谋促成此事。得知此讯的樋口洋一愤然率全组退出横沟一家,但不久即遭暗杀。孑然一身的剑崎率领忠诚的小弟独自与各方势力展开对抗……
回复 :嘉伦是警方人质谈判专家,在荒芜的公路撞倒路执照,于是乘坐法兰及蕾安两夫妇的顺风车。途中,法兰从油站业主口中得知妻子有外遇,怒火中烧,他开枪将妻子击毙,嘉伦侥幸逃到政府秘保密验室暂避。嘉伦发现该处进行的实验能令她到回过去的二十分钟。为了救蕾安一命,她尝试到回过去,岂料牵连的人越来越多……