天堂An anthology series of self contained plays with a murderous theme, the twist being that the action is followed from the point of view of the killer.
天堂An anthology series of self contained plays with a murderous theme, the twist being that the action is followed from the point of view of the killer.
回复 :王先生与小陈是90年代中期上视的一部佳作,此片是根据解放前的叶浅予先生的同名漫画改编。讲了两个大都市里的小市民王先生和小陈,发生在他们身上和家庭里的种种趣事。两个小人物精明算计,整日做梦升官发财,荣华富贵却又处处碰壁,美梦难成;同时身上又有天良未泯的闪光点。主要人物,只有王先生一家三口和小陈夫妇五人。
回复 :大学生意外穿越,居然在三绝世美女的浴池贩卖!为了保住小命,我只能被迫做了家丁!小家丁也有大能量,终有一日咸鱼翻身,征服美女三芳心,走向人生巅峰!
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