回复 :薇姬·克里普斯([幽冥端绪])、丹尼拉·科兹洛夫斯基([火海凌云])将主演新片[纯粹的激情](Passion Simple,暂译),丹妮尔·阿尔彼得([贝鲁特酒店])执导,故事改编自安妮·艾诺同名法语畅销小说,讲述一名法国的研究员(薇姬饰)爱上了一名俄国的的已婚外交官。影片计划于今年秋季开拍。
回复 :Dennis Allan is an scientist who visits Haiti on the strength of a rumour of a drug which renders the recipient totally paralyzed but conscious. The drug's effects often fool doctors, who declare the victims dead. Could this be the origin of the "zombie" legend? Alan embarks on a surprising and often surreal investigation of the turbulent social chaos that is Haiti during the revolution which ousted hated dictator "Baby Doc" Duvalier. Often a pawn in a greater game, Alan must decide what is science, what is superstition, and what is the unknown in a anarchistic society where police corruption and witch-doctory are commonplace.
回复 :婚姻究竟是否恋爱的坟墓呢?有人觉得一纸婚书等于一张长期饭票,亦有人觉得是一条末路。因此当不信婚姻的大卫(谢利奥康奴)被亲密同居女友(碧姬韦逊)提出结婚的计划时,他要面对他一生中最大的决择,他究竟最后选择去接受还是去逃避呢?