铠甲铠传The story of the notorious Tom Monfils murder investigation, and how various pursuits of the truth would only serve to muddy it for 22 years.
铠甲铠传The story of the notorious Tom Monfils murder investigation, and how various pursuits of the truth would only serve to muddy it for 22 years.
回复 :熊大熊二光头强意外穿越回恢宏的石器时代,在原始部落与猛犸象、剑齿虎等一众奇特生物开启了眼界大开的奇幻之旅!原始时代瑰丽非常却又危机四伏,熊强三人组与一只可爱狼女一路相伴,笑料百出。原始部落纠葛不断,女族长竟对光头强情愫暗生……面对凶猛狼族的步步紧逼、原始人类的不断质疑、自然危机的全面爆发,熊强究竟何去何从?他们又能否回归现代?一场关于守护与成长、爱与勇气的冒险,拉开序幕……
回复 :A year in the life of a singular family.Sasquatch Sunset is, indeed, an utterly singular filmmaking feat. Deploying a daring approach with ferocious commitment, David and Nathan Zellner’s imaginative work captures quotidian sasquatch life with detail and rigor that is simply unforgettable. The Zellner brothers continue their longstanding contributions to the Sundance catalog w...
回复 :罕有人知的小岛,冲浪爱好者们的乌托邦。小方(许伟豪 饰)隐瞒着过去的秘密,袁泳(黄炎 饰)逃离了父母的安排,杨帆(王悦伊 饰)在未知彷徨中寻找未来的方向;开冲浪店的东滨(李康生 饰)迎来送往,彼此陌生的人在那里相遇、相知,用微弱的光照亮着彼此,共同谱写一曲暧昧模糊、情谊真挚的浪人情歌。