枕边A flapper charms a diplomat to procure her fiancé a career opportunity, while the fiancé starts a relationship with her best friend...
枕边A flapper charms a diplomat to procure her fiancé a career opportunity, while the fiancé starts a relationship with her best friend...
回复 :改编自作家森村诚一的同名推理小说,此书1976年出版 隔年已故演员松田优作和女演员冈田茉莉子合演的电影版版大卖座,2004年也曾由竹野内丰和夏川结衣拍摄为连续剧版,但将剧中时代改为现代。此次重拍的特别剧版将维持原著70年代的设定,故事的舞台为1974年的东京,叙述知名美容家(原作和电影版为时装设计师)八杉恭子(铃木京香)举办宴会的饭店电梯内,一名被以短刀刺杀的黑人青年死亡。死前仅留下了一句不知意思为何的「斯托哈」,警视厅刑警栋居弘一良(藤原)和其团队对此案展开调查。
回复 :澳门赌场的老板刚刚去世,对头况小姐(何超仪 饰)突然前来挑衅,幸好代掌柜卓一(刘青云 饰)及时赶到,才化险为夷。原来,赌场太子张人杰(古天乐 饰)远在加拿大,赌场生意遵遗嘱由卓一打理。在卓一的安排下,张人杰千里迢迢回来奔丧,但各位股东均感到这个小伙子缺乏经验。在跟卓一的单挑中,张人杰更是屡遭戏弄。张人杰整天沉迷网络扑克,结识了一个牌友(应采儿 饰)。二人相约在扑克邀请赛相会。虽然在刻意安排下,二人同桌,但是由于张人杰缺乏实战经验,所以屡尝败绩。在众人嘲笑声中,黯然离场。在张人杰一蹶不振的时候,他遇到了命中贵人——笑容(邓丽欣 饰)。在她的帮助下,他恢复了信心,不但扑克技艺大涨,两人也日久生情,但是他们的命运此时却发生了改变……
回复 :NCT Dream are coming soon with their very own, 'Beyond the Dream Show' via 'V Live+'!NCT Dream will be greeting fans with their very own 'Beyond Live' online concert as the third SM Entertainment artists up, this May 10 at 3 PM KST. Previously, SM Entertainment launched their state-of-the-art 'Beyond Live' online concert series with artists like SuperM and WayV.Fans can look forward to NCT Dream performing songs from their newest mini album 'Reload' for the first time ever live during this 'Beyond the Dream Show', in addition to unique online concert experiences using interactive technology.