那里The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his garage, all while trying to makes sense of surreal events around him.
那里The host of a failing children's science TV show attempts to fulfill his childhood dream of being an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his garage, all while trying to makes sense of surreal events around him.
回复 :大宝(梁家仁 饰)和弟弟二宝(元彪 饰)孤苦无依,相依为命,彼此之间感情十分深厚。两人整日里游手好闲,不务正业,流连于赌场之中想要获取不义之财,却每每将少得可怜的家底输得一干二净。屡屡受人欺负,大宝和二宝产生了想要习武的念头,他们拜了在饭馆里偶然遇见的高手(刘家荣 饰)为师,开始了充满艰辛与汗水的习武之路。一次偶然之中,兄弟两人意外得知他们的师傅竟然是隐姓埋名的江洋大盗,师傅得知此事想要杀人灭口,二宝侥幸逃出,大宝却被师傅残忍杀害。悲愤交加的二宝想要替哥哥报仇,恰巧遇到了曾经有过一面之缘的乞丐(洪金宝 饰),哪只这乞丐的真实身份竟是江湖名捕,在他的调教之下,二宝的武艺突飞猛涨,最终手刃了仇人,报仇了雪恨。
回复 :宠爱女友的男主角,在好友帮忙下成功求婚。男主角当晚高兴入眠。至第二天醒来,发现自己在一个陌生房间,身边多了一个陌生女子,她告知是自己的老婆,惊讶之时才发现自己来到三年之后,离奇荒诞的事接踵而来,究竟为何会这样?这三年又发生了什么事?本身的女友又去了哪里呢?
回复 :In a dystopian future, the Vatican knows how to resurrect people. A priest discovers a conspiracy behind the resurrections and their possible link to a series of murders.