回复 :U.S Postal Inspectors are called in when a suburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion immediately falls on the couple's estranged and heavily in debt son, who also just happens to be a Navy munitions expert. But investigations reveal that he is on the run from a past event in his life that is associated with the bombings.
回复 :十六岁的小风(麦子饰演),拒绝上学、整天把自己关在房间,甚至不跟爸爸阿民(庄凯勋饰演)讲话,这一天,她突然失踪了!与小风相依为命的阿民着急的到处找寻她,直至接到警察电话,才发现她竟然为了见网友,翘家到台北去了。阿民气急败坏连夜从台南杀到台北找到小风,没想到她竟又趁他睡着跑走。原来小风还是去见了网友,可是当小风看见每夜跟她谈心的网友竟是一个白发苍苍的老人,讶异的她不能接受,转身就跑,这时候阿民赶到,以为老人诈骗小风来台北,正想动手揍他时,他却突然昏厥倒下,送医急救,难以脱责的小风和阿民,只好找出老人的家人。
回复 :Eager to land a journalistic position, Adam White goes to work as an advice-giving newspaper columnist. His editor, Shrike, takes pleasure in browbeating his alcoholic wife Florence for her past adultery, and assigning his employees journalistic jobs for which they have little aptitude or interest. Shrike goads Adam into meeting one of his correspondents, Fay Doyle, a teary, self-pitying woman who makes a play for him. Adam is torn between his loyalty to the newspaper and his girl Justy.