最后证人A group of toy store employees must protect each other from a horde of parasite infected shoppers.
最后证人A group of toy store employees must protect each other from a horde of parasite infected shoppers.
回复 :While the rest of us - the other 7.9 billion people here on Earth - are going about our daily lives, looking straight ahead, there are another six people living off our planet 250 miles above our heads. These are the men and women of the International Space Station, whose home is a spaceship, an outpost in the cosmos. Drawing on breathtaking archive and interviews with astronauts, cosmonauts, colleagues and family members, THE WONDERFUL: STORIES FROM THE SPACE STATION brings together personal testimonies from the men and women who have been part of this extraordinary project - a remarkable achievement of technology, international collaboration, scientific endeavour and human bravery.
回复 :家声是芝加哥的一名华裔警察,在办案中他受人陷害,先是被栽赃巨款,后是货柜车内藏毒,接着,搭档被杀、妻子刚刚生产后就惨遭车祸、年幼的女儿被绑架、弟弟又遭人利用……原来,这一切的幕后指使是他八年前亲手抓捕的黑帮头目本扎。当年本扎的弟弟死于那场对峙中,本扎发誓出狱后一定要报复家声。 为了澄清事实,替死去的亲人报仇,家声怀着家破人亡的痛苦和愤恨越狱而出。在弟弟和证人的帮助下,他躲过黑白两道的追堵,捣毁了本扎的老巢。而诡计多端的本扎调换了载有证供的便携式电脑,一旦输入正确的密码,藏在电脑中的烈性炸弹就会摧毁整幢警署大楼…… 危急时刻,家声能否力挽狂澜?
回复 :公元1771年1月,在俄罗斯伏尔加河流域生活了近两百年的蒙古土尔扈特部不堪忍受沙俄叶卡捷琳娜王朝的种族灭绝政策,在首领渥巴锡汗的率领下举部二十余万人东归故土,缔造了人类历史上最后一次的长途迁徙。千户长阿拉坦桑(巴桑 饰)带着女儿莎吉尔玛(哈斯高娃 饰)、武士阿布(巴雅尔图 饰)千里迢迢护送东归图前往渥巴锡汗处。沿途上尽见本族人遭女王军队荼毒的惨状,更有戈里高力男爵率骑兵抢夺东归图。虽侥幸从山谷逃脱敌人的围困,然而一路上各种艰难险阻交替出现,无数的敌人和诱惑相继袭来,阻挡着一个濒临灭种的民族东归故土的脚步。书写在历史上的千古传奇,充满血泪的征程……