本片讲述了女缉毒队长侦破跨境走私贩毒案的故事。在一次追捕行动中,精品高桥(余男 饰)因与毒贩搏斗致脑部受伤,精品失去了味觉。不久后,高桥与砂锅粥店老板陆鸿(任达华 饰)因一起车祸,在救人时相识。陆鸿的一碗砂锅粥让高桥尝到了久违的味道,她成了砂锅粥店的常客。他是厨师,也是毒师;她爱破案,也爱吃饭。随着调查的深入,陆鸿的真实身份浮出水面,一心想退隐江湖的他将何去何从?眼看收网在即,一系列杀人案又让高桥陷入了一个巨大的复仇计划中……
本片讲述了女缉毒队长侦破跨境走私贩毒案的故事。在一次追捕行动中,精品高桥(余男 饰)因与毒贩搏斗致脑部受伤,精品失去了味觉。不久后,高桥与砂锅粥店老板陆鸿(任达华 饰)因一起车祸,在救人时相识。陆鸿的一碗砂锅粥让高桥尝到了久违的味道,她成了砂锅粥店的常客。他是厨师,也是毒师;她爱破案,也爱吃饭。随着调查的深入,陆鸿的真实身份浮出水面,一心想退隐江湖的他将何去何从?眼看收网在即,一系列杀人案又让高桥陷入了一个巨大的复仇计划中……
回复 :本片为程刚于1969年导演的卖座武侠片,由娃娃影后李菁领衔主演。故事描述,平西王曹国威因与金龙山强盗结仇,女儿曹翠娥被掳走;曹非常焦急,请剑侠岳震北帮忙,岳估计一人之力不够,遂邀友之妹、百步穿杨的神箭手马金铃一同去金龙山破盗寨;他们又去找深通水性的渔夫李小七;李又推荐力大如牛的樵夫牛迈;四人步步小心,途上又遇暗中相助的神偷梁上飞…
回复 :Tania is an actress, 43. Thore is 15, a misfit in a small village at the northern tip of Germany. At the beginning of winter, Tania escapes from her numb life to the village. They meet. She decides to steal him from his parents.The actress Tania travels from Munich to a village in the north of Germany. The skies are grey, just like the sea and the wintery plains. Her feelings are also covered in a grey veil of mist. Her painful past makes it impossible for this forty-something to feel anything at all.The arrival of the stranger is immediately noticed in the tight-lipped community, but she is hardly welcome. Only the teenager Thore, whose imagination is too much for this no-man’s-land, has contact with her. A fragile band develops between them - attraction, rejection and occasionally sexually charged. Thore reveals a need in Tania, one she didn’t know she had. She decides to ‘steal’ Thore to come to terms with her own loss.Rough is a directing debut filmed with great poise and with a sharp eye for this beautiful yet slightly depressing landscape and the people who inhabit it. The camera first functions as a detached observer, then as an accomplice, always very close to Tania.
回复 :一年前,酷爱摄影的康平在一次时装表演会上被正在台上表演的梦醒深深吸引,为她拍了许多照片,照片洗出后,他又特地给梦醒送去结果在传达室碰了一鼻子灰。