回复 :Yi-jung is in her late twenties and still lives with her mother. Having raised her daughter alone, Su-kyung is now ready to start a new life with her fiancé and leave the past behind. Not so Yi-jung, who from an early age has all too often had to serve as an outlet for her irascible mother’s frustrations. The many years of disregard have left her with a crippling mixture of suppressed feelings towards her mother from whom she simply cannot break free. When an argument between the two escalates in a supermarket car park, Su-kyung hits her daughter with her car. Just an accident, the mother claims. Malicious intent, Yi-jung retorts. This rebellion marks the beginning of an arduous process for both women to cut the cord.
回复 :故事发生在南宋末年,少年杨过(张国荣 饰)从小父母双亡,被名震江湖的郭靖(陈观泰 饰)黄蓉(刘雪华 饰)夫妇收养,然而杨过脾气倔强天性顽劣,在惹出了一堆的麻烦之后,黄蓉终于忍无可忍要将他逐出门外。无奈之下,郭靖只得将杨过送入了教规森严的全真教修炼。全真教里的生活令杨过感到窒息,忍无可忍的他最终决定逃跑,并且在误打误撞之中闯入了活死人墓,在那里邂逅了小龙女(翁静晶 饰)。小龙女自幼生活在古墓之中,不食人间烟火却练就了一身武艺,她收留了走投无路的杨过,并且成为了他的师父,两人在修炼的日子里渐生情愫。
回复 :Experience the chilling true story of the world’s most famous poltergeist case through original audio recordings made inside the house as the events unfolded.