回复 :Does the country have to compensate for a case against those socially weak?Sexual favors and harassment by the high class society, weak females of the society send them a warning.So-yeon is a college student who sues the government for not being able to protect the socially weak from sexual favors. She goes on national television to talk about this case. Hae-yeong is a broadc...
回复 :改编自剧作家Stephen Adly Guirgis 的《THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT》中的一节。
回复 :三个各自苦逼又同时怀揣电影梦的导演“阿龙、”演员“阿豹、”制片“阿虎”,因机缘巧合聚在一起完成电影梦。一路经历他人嘲笑、不信任,还被欺辱,甚至误入”歧途",染指黑帮,“摊上”黑道千金,三人也随着事情的发展由最开始的齐心协力,开始怀疑、厌恶、误解对方,最终还是因为共同的电影梦化解所有,披荆斩棘,再次合力,终完成心目中的大电影。