回复 :新搬来的公寓这家人是母亲惠子(You饰)带着四个孩子:明(柳乐优弥饰)、京子、茂、雪。但母亲却得对周围的人们撒谎说丈夫去海外工作,自己与长子两个人在一起生活。事实是其它三名弟妹是“黑孩子”,因为四个孩子有着各自不同的父亲。他们一直呆在家中,没有去学校上学。在母亲去百货商店工作时,年纪尚小的明就在家中代替母亲行使家长的职责。突然有一天母亲不见了,她把手中仅有的20万日元现金和一张短短的便条留给了孩子们,把弟妹托付给明看管后,就悄然地离家出走。无亲无故,对外面几乎一无所知的四个孩子们,要开始面对新的生活,那实在不是件容易的事情……
回复 :在电视台担任制作人的风松吉(船越英二 饰)是一个风流轻浮、处处留情的男子,除却妻子双叶(山本富士子 饰)外,他还有不下十名情妇。双叶知晓丈夫的行径,却无计可施,只得专心经营酒吧以排遣苦恼。松吉的情妇们争风吃醋,彼此知道对方的存在,虽然怨恨松吉的放荡无形,却又对他眷恋不已。情妇之一的石下市子(岸恵子 饰)找到双叶,言谈间流露出想要杀死松吉的念头。虽则是玩笑之语,倒也令松吉惊出一身冷汗。惊魂方定,他便与妻子策划,准备上演一出假死的闹剧,彻底摆脱这群女人的纠缠……本片由市川昆担任导演,其妻子和田夏十担任编剧。
回复 :Based on the bestselling book of the same name, The Beckoning Silence follows mountain climber Joe Simpson as he takes on one of toughest challenges of his career. Fresh from his horrific ordeal in the Peruvian Andes--as recounted in the Oscar-winning documentary "Touching The Void"--Simpson attempts to ascend the treacherous North Face of the Eiger, a mountain that has claimed the lives of more than 60 people. Faced with growing anxiety and doubt, Simpson pushes onward and upward in his unyielding quest to traverse some of the world's most inhospitable terrain. The Beckoning Silence is a powerful testament to the endurance of the human spirit in extreme conditions.