回复 :改编自小说《北大差生》,讲述了学渣周林林和“隔壁家的学霸”方予可之间的酸甜爱情故事。本以为高考结束就可以分道扬镳,没想到阴差阳错,两人一同考进了全国最高学府的最冷门专业——畜牧系。为了弥补曾经无意间给方予可造成的“初恋创伤”,周林林千方百计帮方予可追回“校花初恋”,自己却在不知不觉中掉进了青春的陷阱…毕业季即将来临,深藏你青春回忆深处的那个 TA 是否还在你的身边?
回复 :Martin, an aging man, is abandoned in a psychiatric hospital, where a pharmaceutical business is conducting illegal drug tests. His granddaughter, Ana, discovers that her own father is directly involved and takes action into her own hands. As Ana and Martin run away to grant him his last wish, they must fight for their own survival against the vicious interests of the powerful company. Based on a true story.
回复 :洛杉矶的穆斯林男子Mo与前男友分手后一直无法释怀,此后他在斋月遇上了英俊的演员Kal,必须在尊重自己传统的同时应对新感情,如何克服恐惧、付出真诚。