回复 :巨石强森饰演的灵长类动物学家一直与人类保持距离, 却跟极为聪明的银背大猩猩乔治有着深厚的感情。但是一次基因实验出错, 让这只温驯的大猩猩变成狂怒难驯的庞然巨兽。更可怕的是, 其他动物也发生了同样基因异变。他必须阻止这场全球性的灾难, 更重要是要拯救他的好友乔治。
回复 :一对印度的中产阶级夫妇:服装店老板拉吉(伊尔凡·可汗 Irrfan Khan 饰)与太太米塔(萨巴·卡玛尔 Saba Qamar 饰)为了让女儿皮娅(蒂希塔·塞加尔 Dishita Sehgal 饰)接受更好的教育想尽了各种办法。而当他们费劲心思终于要将女儿送进名校时,事情却又发生了意想不到的变化……
回复 :October 24, 1944, the world's greatest battle at sea begins in the Philippines. Japan's navy gambles on a decisive victory against the United States to turn the tide of World War II. Instead Musashi, its top secret super battleship, ends up at the bottom of the ocean. How did this unsinkable giant go down so fast? Was it overwhelming American air power? Or a fatal design flaw? Now American deep sea explorers and Japanese military experts are determined to solve this 70-year old mystery. But first they must find the missing Musashi.