回复 :《阿U》动画片(又名《阿优》)的主人公阿U是个邻家小孩,他聪明机灵,调皮捣蛋,有着层出不穷的鬼点子,无数搞笑的趣事,带来笑声不断……阿U的动手能力,远胜于学习课堂知识的能力.阿U有爱心,喜欢帮助别人,同时也爱张扬,喜欢出风头,经常会好心办坏事,经常出糗.阿U有一群超级伙伴团体.胖仔:阿U的超级粉丝,憨厚可爱,可是碰到吃的,就会爆发出惊人的力量.阿美:漂亮可爱,成绩好,追求完美,是学生们的榜样.男人婆:她性子急,容易激动,但她率直,富有责任感和正义感.还有一位严肃认真的万能老师——甲老师.在学习和家庭生活中,阿U和他的朋友们发生了无数搞笑的趣事……
回复 :PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point.
回复 :独自在外游历的阿逗无意间卷入江湖斗争的漩涡,茫然无措的他凭着机智和好运,卖萌耍贱度危难,乱拳乱棍平险关。然而他却不知自己已堕入一个惊天诡谋之中。人生的关口他将作何抉择,他又有怎样的奇招帮助武林度过浩劫?