春暖Based on the cookbook Sitting in Bars with Cake by Audrey Shulman.
春暖Based on the cookbook Sitting in Bars with Cake by Audrey Shulman.
回复 :伊藤修司(冈田义德 饰)和吉田浩之(草野康太 饰)是在同一个班级里学习的同学兼好友,实际上,修司对浩之一直存有着超越了友谊的感情,他选择将这份懵懂的感情默默隐藏在心底。浩之和同班的清水彩子(高野久实 饰)正在交往,虽然彩子个性温柔又开朗,但浩之始终觉得两人的关系里透着一种疏离。原果沙间(滨崎步 饰)饰班级里的“异类”,喜欢独来独往,她特立独行的气质渐渐吸引了浩之的注意。与此同时,修司再也无法压抑心中的感情,对浩之告白了,面对好友真诚的表白,浩之不知道该做出怎样的回应。沙间失踪了,浩之和修司结伴前往她在海边的老家寻找她。
回复 :Terminally ill Janette wants to die with dignity, but it’s not possible in the UK, where she lives. She therefore decides for assisted suicide. She must plan her journey to Switzerland before her rapidly advancing disease makes it impossible. The question of whether we own our own lives or whether they own us is the primary impetus behind this documentary portrait, which shows that death can be good despite the sadness that always accompanies it. The film, with dramatically suggestive camera work, uses feature film techniques, and engaging characters and stories of their loved ones are interwoven with Janette’s story."Let's talk about death because we will all die someday. The question is: can we choose when and how? I think we should." T. Krupa
回复 :三名大学教授彼得·温克曼(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray饰)、雷蒙德·斯坦兹(丹·艾克罗伊德 Dan Aykroyd饰)和艾根·斯宾格勒(哈罗德·雷米斯 Harold Ramis饰)专门研究鬼怪灵异之事。他们决定离开校园实验室,组成“捉鬼大队”。他们用最新的科学仪器,对付在纽约市出没的无数大鬼小鬼,取得成功。可政府部门却将他们视为江湖骗术。直到有一天,一群邪恶的魔鬼包围了整座纽约市,并附身于美女德纳(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver饰)身上时,众人终于意识到了事态的严重。这只“捉鬼大队”是否能够拯救纽约,让魔鬼无所遁形呢?本片荣获1985年第57届奥斯卡金像奖,最佳视觉效果、最佳原创歌曲提名,被誉为影史上最受欢迎、最好笑的喜剧之一。