回复 :
回复 :AI工程师顾久礼因为童年经历的影响,创立公司玖仟科技,致力于研制陪护机器人。大四幼教专业的郝靓喜欢唱歌,但因为母亲的反对,只能在晚上偷偷地做一个歌唱类直播博主——“阿嗲姐姐”,在两个不同的身份下,郝靓表现出各自不同的性格。郝靓临近毕业,为了避免被母亲发现主播身份,她来到了顾久礼的公司实习。两人相遇,郝靓对顾久礼一见钟情,频频示好。可顾久礼却因为自己的“脸盲”,没有发现跟自己暗表心意的女孩就是郝靓,因此闹出了一系列啼笑皆非的事情。两人解开误会后,终于走到了一起。由于顾久礼的优秀,郝靓决定提升自我,努力想要成为更好的自己。同时,郝靓的出现和陪伴,温暖了久礼因童年经历孤独的内心。而顾久礼渐渐了解到郝靓的梦想,并给予她鼓励,使郝靓变得更加自信。最终两人在彼此的支持下,完成了各自的梦想。
回复 :In a Bulgarian mountain village, where prejudice simmers, a summer romance begins between two boys from different worlds. Victor (27) has a nice life in Madrid with his partner, Jose. He returns to his childhood home in Bulgaria for his grandfather’s funeral, and decides to stay for the summer. While reconnecting with his father and the village way of life, he unexpectedly finds love in the form of Liuben, an 18-year-old Roma boy. Despite their differences, and the conflicts around them, Victor and Liuben find refuge in each other.