回复 :It's a wonderful spoof documentary following a team on its quest for the oil gobbler, an animal that has evolved to be the perfect denizen of a polluted world. Loathed by the locals for its voracious habit of eating anything plastic, from wellington boots to the protective sleeves farmers put round their saplings to prevent them being eaten by other animals, the ropaci is an elusive specimen and has the team - and thus the audience - intrigued. Finally, they catch it on film - and then manage to capture a young one that they want to take back home with them. The perils of their journey from the pollution-ridden Bohemian basin back through the clean, fresh air of the forest prove too much for the little creature and they come up with an ingenious way of saving it.
回复 :阿伦(谭咏麟 饰)经营着一家小小的花店,在女友决定离开他后,阿伦很长时间都生活在心碎之中。阿兰从很久以前起就默默的暗恋着阿伦,借此机会她想要乘虚而入。于是,在哥哥一丈红的安排之下,阿兰灌醉了阿伦,和他发生了关系。虽然阿伦对阿兰没有任何感情,但负责任的他还是决定开始和阿兰交往。阿伦带着阿兰前往日本旅游,在旅途中,阿伦邂逅了美丽的幸子,幸子一下子就牢牢的抓住了阿伦的心,阿伦向幸子展开了热烈的追求,很快,两人就坠入了爱河之中。看着自己好不容易弄到手的男人就要跑了,阿兰当然不会善罢甘休,与此同时,阿伦和幸子之间的感情也遭到了幸子家人的强烈反对。
回复 :《Free To Play》是一部纪录长片。影片跟随三位不同国家的职业电竞选手,讲述他们在首届Dota 2国际邀请赛中为一百万美元的奖金奋力拼搏的故事。近几年来,电子竞技开始大幅流行,已经跻身于当今人口基数众多的竞技运动行列中。百万奖金的赛事改变了整个电竞圈的格局,而对于正值巅峰时期的顶尖选手来说,这样的机会也是千载难逢。经过Valve的精心打造,影片完整地记录了选手们在顶尖对决的过程中遇到的挑战和做出的牺牲。