回复 :莱妮(奥利维亚·库克 Olivia Cooke 饰)和黛比(雪莱·亨尼格 Shelley Hennig 饰)是一对从小玩到大的好朋友,谁知在某个毫无征兆的夜晚,黛比突然上吊自杀,这起变故给了莱妮极其沉痛的打击。她决然不相信好友会选择如此残酷的方式离开,在多方调查问询无果后,莱妮召集了妹妹萨拉(安娜·科托 Ana Coto 饰)以及伊莎贝尔(比安卡·A·桑托斯 Bianca A. Santos 饰)、特里弗(达伦·卡加索夫 Daren Kagasoff 饰)、皮特(道格拉斯·史密斯 Douglas Smith 饰)等好友,用她和黛比小时候最常玩的通灵板,试图召唤黛比问清死因。阴暗的房间里,他们的问询得到回应,而恐怖的噩梦似乎就此开始……
回复 :Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Björn Kjellman) celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. But after a dirty text message and some failed acrobatic stunts on the balcony, the idyll has both cracked and ended up in the emergency room. Karin is forced to straighten out her back and realizes that she has spent her life taking care of her family without getting as much as a thank you. Together with her friends from the swimming pool, she finds new vitality at a weekly cooking class, where Peter Stormare’s star chef opens up for exciting new taste sensations. Tuesday Club is a well-acted and inspiring paean to struggling women, mature passion, and Asian cuisine.
回复 :夏日的法国乡间,Jack和Veronique一同结伴旅行。他们搭上了一辆便车,但随后发生的事让他们发现自己被卷入了一场事关生死的猫鼠游戏之中。一对神秘夫妻,一个公路杀手,Jack和Veronique将如何突出重围?