欧美As Christie's celebrates its 250th anniversary, this two-part series follows the drama behind iconic art auctions across the globe to reveal how the world's biggest auction house operates.
欧美As Christie's celebrates its 250th anniversary, this two-part series follows the drama behind iconic art auctions across the globe to reveal how the world's biggest auction house operates.
回复 :一座沉睡千年的古墓发现时竟被人盗掘一空,十年追索考古学家呕心沥血流落海外的稀世珍宝,一朝得见折戟沉沙中拼凑秦早期文明的神秘样貌。
回复 :节目以两位博学幽默的大叔孟非、刘震云携手“young friends”,展开代际碰撞的旅行,解锁同一个地方的不同打开方式,互相体验对方的旅行玩法,碰撞观点、寻找共鸣。uncle和young们参与节目录制,与文化、旅游、自然、生态亲密接触,向世界讲好中国文旅故事。
回复 :结婚还是分手?在这档发人深省的真人秀剧集中,情侣们接收对彼此爱情的考验,还在同时与其他潜在的对象同床共枕。