回复 :A pleasantly refreshing, exhilarating, comical sex erotic parody movie!'Choon' the heroine with wacky and girly sensibility, lives with her best friend Ga-hee in her boyfriend's house, and is absorbed by three generations which struggles but eventually loses its goal. 'Choon' who couldn't shake off her worries about the future, happens to hide in a mansion by chance and plans a meticulous operation with her best friend Ga-hee and boyfriend to be a perfect parasite, but the story of three people who don't know the upcoming storm and their huge price to pay awaits.
回复 :弗莱迪带着妻子去海地旅游,他的好友威廉斯医生在海地工作,威廉斯的助手道格拉斯离奇死亡,另一助手Crotz也忽然失踪,这一切似乎跟威廉斯的研究成果有关,威廉斯提炼出一种致幻剂可以增加男性荷尔蒙的物质,孔雀先生和臀部先生等为了拿到威廉斯的研究成果软硬兼施,接下来 ,孔雀先生和臀部先生等人又离奇被杀,案件愈发复杂起来
回复 :四名勇敢者再次穿越回到险象环生的游戏世界中,开启全新冒险。与上次不同的是,变身勇石博士 (道恩·强森 饰) 的是斯潘瑟的外公,外公的好友则变身为语言学家 (凯文· 哈特 饰),高大威猛的弗里奇变成了中年发福地质学家 (杰克·布莱克 饰),只有学霸玛莎依旧化身性感打女 (凯伦·吉兰 饰),斯潘瑟和贝瑟尼却不知所踪。为营救消失的伙伴,四人必须进入全面失控的未知世界,面对难度爆表危险重重的致命关卡,强森领队挑战极限玩命闯关。山崩石裂的险境中命悬一线,与突如其来的凶猛野兽死战到底,他们唯有绷紧神经并肩作战,才能通过生死考验逃出生天。一场惊险刺激又充满惊喜的冒险之旅即将展开!