精品Residents of a fictional Welsh community share stories and poems of their life in their seaside town.
精品Residents of a fictional Welsh community share stories and poems of their life in their seaside town.
回复 :After being implanted with a microchip that gives him special powers, a dog engages a young boy in conversation and adventure. Befriended by a local police officer, the dog, the boy and his friend go on a quest to save the world by undoing the insidious plot of an evil scientist to turn all kids into mindless robots
回复 :蚊子(赵又廷 饰)17岁那年搬到艋舺,因为一根鸡腿踏入了黑道,认识了和尚(阮经天 饰)、志龙、阿伯还有白猴四个好兄弟,五人结为太子帮。太子帮秉持只识意气,不问意义的精神,凭借志龙的父亲Geta(马如龙 饰)的黑道地位在学校呼风唤雨。踏入黑道就意味着要经历腥风血雨,然而和尚作为众人的守护神总能帮他们化解危机。艋舺传统的黑道秩序遭受着现代文明的威胁,外省人灰狼(钮承泽 饰)要求和艋舺的老大们合作遭到拒绝。此时,和尚由于得知父辈们之间的事情对Geta心怀不满,加之文谦的怂恿而卷入一场阴谋。艋舺局势暗潮汹涌、杀机四伏,五兄弟在黑道与友情的决择中,演绎了一段关于青春的悲情故事。导演钮承泽称《艋舺》是“生猛又华丽的青春动作片”。本片于2010年春节档在台湾上映,首周票房达6000万新台币,刷新了台湾本土电影的首周票房纪录。
回复 :《腊月》是一部反映农村现实生活的半记录式影片,主要讲述了鲁西南农村在农历十二月份(腊月)发生的一些事情。该片取材于农村,讲述了彩礼已从原来的“习俗”渐渐演变为当今“陋习”。高额彩礼下人们扭曲的价值观、世界观,攀比心、虚荣心等。无数家庭饱受“高额彩礼”的困扰,俨然成为一种不可忽视的社会现象。