回复 :电视动画片《猪肝记得煮熟再吃》改编自逆井卓马创作的同名轻小说作品。2021年12月11日,官方在网络特别节目“电击文库 冬季祭典ONLINE 2021”上宣布将制作电视动画片的消息 [1] 。该片由project No.9负责制作,于2023年10月起播出。
回复 :着眼于杰瑞米·克拉克森在农村经营农场的糟糕尝试。
回复 :The three-part series follows Jimmy Doherty as he visits British couples and families who have given up the rat race to live closer to nature in three very different locations. From tropical scuba diving on Bangka island, Indonesia to tracking bears in the wild and remote Yukon and spotting hippos on the Nile in Uganda, he gets under the skin of why these people have turned their back on their old lives and what challenges they face in their new ones.