回复 :麦克(特里斯坦·勾贝尔 Tristan Göbel 饰)是一个性格非常内向的男孩,他喜欢上了班上最受欢迎的姑娘塔迦娜(阿妮娅·文德尔 Aniya Wendel 饰)。麦克当然是不敢讲自己的喜爱之情对塔迦娜流露半分的,他只能将这强烈的悸动努力的隐藏在心底。在塔迦娜的眼里,麦克只是一个默默无闻的陌生人而已,这也难怪她没有将自己的生日宴邀请函给他,这令麦克感到非常的郁闷。同样没有收到邀请的,还有班上新来的转学生契克(阿南德·巴特比勒格·楚隆巴特尔 Anand Batbileg Chuluunbaatar 饰),这个行为举止放荡不羁,但是成绩却惊人的优异的怪人刚来没多久就受到了全班人的孤立。在机缘巧合之下,麦克和契克一拍即合,两人偷了一辆车,踏上了自驾之旅。
回复 :What if you came home one day to find some weirdo living in your house What if that weirdo, in a barely understandable language, explained that he was your son But you knew for a fact you had no children. This is what happened to André and Laurence Prioux, a bourgeois couple, stylishly living in a quiet upscale suburb.Convinced they are victims of an error or a con man, André wants nothing to do with Patrick. But Laurence, faced with the inexplicable, suddenly becomes the mother she never was and welcomes with open arms this long-lost son, who sprung out of nowhere with his pregnant fiancée. And her dog. When a childless couple encounters family... Or makes it up.
回复 :在“黑豹”特查拉国王不幸去世后,苏睿(利蒂希娅·赖特 Letitia Wright 饰)、奥克耶(丹娜·奎里拉 Danai Gurira 饰)、拉玛达王太后(安吉拉·贝塞特 Angela Bassett 饰)、姆巴库(温斯顿·杜克 Winston Duke 饰)为了保护瓦坎达而战。瓦坎达人努力迎接他们的新篇章,他们必须在娜吉雅(露皮塔·尼永奥 Lupita Nyong'o 饰)和罗斯探员(马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman 饰)的帮助下团结起来,为瓦坎达王国开辟新道路。