回复 :Controversial Pakistani cleric Maulana Aziz, linked to the Taliban, declares jihad against the government to impose sharia law. The government retaliates by destroying his seminary, killing his mother, brother, his only son and 150 students. The film follows charming yet menacing Maulana Aziz on his personal quest to create an Islamic utopia, which causes the country to implode. The Red Mosque has students allied with ISIL, and strong ties to the Taliban. We meet two Red Mosque students whose paths diverge: Talha, 12, leaves his moderate Muslim family to study to be a jihadi preacher. Zarina, also 12, escapes her madrassa and joins a normal school. Her education is threatened by frequent Taliban attacks on schools like her own. In December, 2014, the Taliban massacred 132 schoolchildren in Peshawar, outraging Pakistan's moderate majority. Aziz's longtime opponent, education reformer Pervez Hoodbhoy joins the re-energized anti-extremist movement. Throughout the film, he passionately opposes Aziz on television and public forums. With the tide turning against the cleric, Pervez is determined to see Aziz put in jail. Intimate and brutally honest, AMONG THE BELIEVERS offers rare insight into the ideological battle shaping Pakistan and the Muslim world.Pakistan's notorious cleric Maulana Aziz, with links to Taliban, declares jihad against the government to impose sharia law. This sparks a bloody war and causes the country to implode. Along with Aziz's quest, the film charts the coming-of-age stories of his two students who are trapped in this ideological war.
回复 : 兰桂坊是男女午夜寻欢作乐的地方,流传着夜场无真爱的潜规则。本片主要讲述了四段夜场爱情故事。Rain(关楚耀 饰)是一名摄影师,在夜蒲与富二代的Summer(连诗雅 饰)一见倾心,陷入热恋,然而Rain逐渐感受到了二人生活的差距,而Summer老爸和前男友的百般阻挠更让这 对恋人的感情倍受挑战。Avis是个普通的马仔,每天下班后陪老板来夜蒲玩乐,对终日被人欺负的私钟妹QQ(陈静仪 饰)心生怜爱,和老板大打出手,让QQ备受感动。Don(沈震轩 饰)是夜场高手,终日在夜蒲寻觅一夜激情。一次慌忙中拿错了别人的手机,开始通过手机和火辣性感的机主Siri(刘羽琦 饰)调情,约会。阿辉是一名普通的巡警,负责夜场周围的治安,和夜场DJ Maxim误会消逝后互生好感,用着折纸的方式来互通情谊…
回复 :卡莉和杰西计划去攀登斯诺雪峰,而卡莉的双胞胎古斯塔夫王子抵达时,也将她的皇室身份曝光....