社长室Story of a 1940s photographer who specializes in crime and in not getting involved… until this time.
社长室Story of a 1940s photographer who specializes in crime and in not getting involved… until this time.
回复 :东北民间流传着关于“皇围猎人”的神秘传说,他们世代生存于深山,为帝王守护兴安岭这片龙兴之地的气脉运转。 传闻猎人除了精通狩猎之法,更知晓驱鬼通神之术。在东北一处偏僻的山村里,悄然发生一起灭门惨案,在村民们的恳求下,最后一代皇围猎人刘二爷(尚铁龙 饰)决定出山调查真相,不想过程中怪事屡现,老林子里的秘密也被渐渐揭开....
回复 :广袤的中华大地,数不胜数的美丽生灵与人类共生,谱写一曲曲壮美的生命之歌。生活在高原地带的雪豹达娃不久前刚刚成为两个小家伙的妈妈,为了抚养孩子长大,她不仅要一次次出击捕猎,还要面对来自强劲对手的挑战。四川某处的茂密竹林中,大熊猫丫丫正和女儿美美快乐玩耍,美美对世界充满好奇,渴望尽早挣脱妈妈的束缚去拥抱未知的世界。神农架的原始丛林里,小金丝猴淘淘倍感落寞,因为新出生的妹妹夺走了本该属于他的关爱,于是淘淘离开家人,成为了流浪猴中的一员,却必须面对种种残酷的现实。可可西里的荒原上,母藏羚羊和丈夫们告别,成群结队赶往某个圣地,迎接新生命的到来。而另一边,仙鹤在长空中翱翔,带走一个又一个结束了生命之旅的灵魂,展开下一段充满未知的轮回……
回复 :It's Christmas and Zip and Zap are up to their old tricks. But this time they've gone too far and their punishment will be no Christmas vacation and a seemingly boring boat trip with their parents instead. To their surprise, the destination is a spectacular remote island. But a terrifying storm rolls in and they're forced to seek shelter at a mansion belonging to the eccentric ...