白鲸A group of ivory-tower lexicographers realize they need to hear how real people talk, and end up helping a beautiful singer escape from the Mob.
白鲸A group of ivory-tower lexicographers realize they need to hear how real people talk, and end up helping a beautiful singer escape from the Mob.
回复 :2004年,陈立生凭借自身的不懈努力和过硬的综合素质,被组织上提拔为县交通局局长。坐在宽敞的办公室里,执掌着全县上千万的公路建设大权,陈立生时常还会想起过去的一些事情。陈立生的父亲是一位参加过抗美援朝的老战斗英雄。从朝鲜回来后,父亲在家乡当了一辈子村支书。1969年,母亲因工殉职时,立生发誓要像父母那样做一个对人民有用、受人民敬重的人。转眼几十年过去了,立生在一路成长进步的道路上,始终铭记当年的誓言,尽心竭力地为群众做了不少的好事,得到了群众的拥护和爱戴,也得到了组织的重用和提拔。当上交通局长后,立生把年迈的父亲接进了城里,希望父亲能在县城颐养天年。父亲刚来那一阵子,为承包环城公路标段的建筑商就开始络绎不绝的登门拜访,无一例外的是,都打着看望老爷子的名义。面对名目繁杂的糖衣炮弹,立生起初还能秉公办事,也不忘警告妻子美兰,管好她的妈妈和弟弟,做到洁...
回复 :彼此都有離婚經驗的中年情侶,兩人同居了一年。某日,外甥和女友從鄉下來找他們玩,兩對情侶因此同住一個屋簷下。某天,男子意外偷看到外甥女友洗澡的模樣,感到十分興奮,忍不住偷襲了外甥的女友……。
回复 :Directed by filmmaker and scientist Christi Cooper, YOUTH v. GOV is the story of America's youth taking on the world's most powerful government. In 2015, twenty one young plaintiffs, ages 8 to 19, filed the lawsuit Juliana vs. United States, asserting a willful violation of their constitutional rights in creating our climate crisis. If they're successful, they'll not only make history, they'll change the future.