全新节目《魔法伽利略》将由国际著名魔术师甄泽权(Louis Yan)带来精彩魔术盛宴,引力在两位靓女主持冯盈盈、引力何依婷协助下,呈现魔术与科学的对垒,让艺员嘉宾及观众竞猜表演背后是科学理论的运用,还是Louis神乎奇技的演出。每集将会与全港观众一齐参与全民魔术体验,投入魔术神奇世界。
全新节目《魔法伽利略》将由国际著名魔术师甄泽权(Louis Yan)带来精彩魔术盛宴,引力在两位靓女主持冯盈盈、引力何依婷协助下,呈现魔术与科学的对垒,让艺员嘉宾及观众竞猜表演背后是科学理论的运用,还是Louis神乎奇技的演出。每集将会与全港观众一齐参与全民魔术体验,投入魔术神奇世界。
回复 :
回复 :于日本刚刚放送完毕的《Tiger Bunny》最终25话里,各英雄施展看家本领最终都把最终Boss捉拿了,但今话已经是最后一话了,难道我们已经再没有机会看虎叔卖萌,和宾尼兔打情骂俏? 而呑噬之蛇这个组织又是否完全瓦解?对于这种种的问题,喜欢看《Tiger & Bunny》的朋友可以放心了,因为在最终话的最后突然宣布“NEXT PROJECT始动!”的消息,果然信虎叔得永生。
回复 :As the Allies storm the beaches of Normandy, Hitler orders the return of the Das Reich, the infamous Panzer elite division best known for its mass murders in the Ukraine and in Belarus, based at that time in southwest of France.Its mission: to push the Allies back into the Atlantic and turn the tide of the conflict in favor of the Germans.The SS division, with 15,000 men and more than 200 tanks, faces relentless attacks from the Resistance as it moves north through France.Along the way, it conducts vicious reprisals and massacres of civilians (Oradour-sur-Glane, Tulle). The film will retrace the last year of Hitler’s death squad and their crimes against humanity.We will follow the everyday lives of these SS officers, their recruitment and training on the Eastern Front, and try to understand who exactly were these men who perpetrated the massacres.