回复 :Liv (Jessica Henwick) and Hanna (Julia Garner), two Canadian women on vacation in Australia, run out of money. Desperate, they take a job bartending in a remote desert Outback hotel, only to realize they’ve stumbled into a sun-struck patch of Hell-on-Earth. Writer-director Kitty Green adapts, with co-screenwriter Oscar Redding, a true story that starts as a feminist parable and...
回复 :When the naval construction designer Oliver Reed (Kent Smith) meets the Serbian Irena Dubrovna Reed (Simone Simon) in the zoo, he flirts with her and they sooner fall in love and marry each other. However, Irena is afraid of an ancient course of her town that women can not be touched by a man, otherwise she will transform in a panther, and the couple does not consummate their m...
回复 :某大酒店来了位大人物,带着助理,还跟着四个彪形大汉做保镖。恭候的“媒体记者”蜂拥而上。在场的某房产公司工作人员小孟见状拨通了马经理的电话,向马总通风报信。 原来,马经理闻听渣渣银行亚洲区总裁齐先生要来本市,早就预谋贿赂齐总,以求此前申请的5000万元贷款审批过关,今番闻听小孟的电话,心中暗喜。他临时没顾上与新招的美女艳艳“交桃花运”,提着装有20万元的皮箱去了齐总下榻的总统套房,齐总见到一打打钞票,不动声色地告诉马总,贷款最近几天就能下来,马总点头哈腰,千恩万谢地离开了酒店。事实上,马总和许多人一样上了骗子的当。 6岁的男孩聪聪寒假期间与爸爸妈妈一起驱车回农村老家探望爷爷奶奶,只是伯父家的儿子豆豆哥哥上次把聪聪的耳朵给拧肿了,因为聪聪把豆豆的小白兔给丢到河里淹死了,所以聪聪不想见豆豆。聪聪的伯父接到电话弟弟一家要来,驱车往家急赶,不巧遭遇骗子迷药,车...