回复 :毒贩克里斯的妻子带走了三百万美元和他们的儿子逃跑,克里斯在打探妻子下落的过程中枪杀了一名知情者,这起凶杀案令追查了克里斯多年的警探金宝(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)终有机会将其收押,然而如令克里斯认罪伏法,金宝还必须找到他的妻子作为重要证人。警方掌握的线索及其有限,金宝和女同事只得来到某小镇,卧底装扮成老师来寻找就读于幼儿园的克里斯之子。因女同事急病,金宝只得独挑重任,和一群十分不安分的小鬼头打交道,同校的女教师乔伊丝(佩内洛普·安·米勒 Penelope Ann Miller 饰)和金宝之间擦出了火花。金宝的教师生涯渐渐顺风顺水,而这时,克里斯妻子与儿子的身份浮出水面,令金宝颇感意外……
回复 :本片根据Ronald Harwood的同名戏剧改编,Anthony Hopkins扮演一名年迈多病的演员,Ian McKellen扮演对他忠心耿耿的幕后助手兼化妆师Norman。故事发生在第二次世界大战期间。据称该剧的原型人物就是Ronald Harwood本人——他曾是著名英国演员Donald Wolfit爵士的化妆师。
回复 :Appoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn't cope up with the formal system. All the while he got attention through his art. When he was forced to the edge of the system he begin to lose his identity. Later he is pushed into a loser category. At one point he begins to get attention when he started to perform outside of the system as a wild character. Because of the strong outer factor of the system and due to confused feelings he chose to remain as a wild character without knowing he is actually being a slave of the rottening system.