回复 :Kai Nagisa, a normal high school girl who wishes to one day become a professional wrestler, is suddenly approached by a robot known as an Iczel. Iczel urges her to help save the Earth from invading aliens called Geas. The Geas, led by Chaos and Cross, are bent on stripping Earth's resources and then destroying it. To fight the invaders, Nagisa must merge with Iczel and become a battle-suited warrior named "Iczelion". She is reluctant to take up this sudden unbelievable task and fight with the other Iczelions of Earth because Nagisa just wants to live a normal life without having such big responsibilities. Nagisa must overcome her fears and fight, together with other Iczelions, to prevent the invading alien forces from destroying their homeplanet, Earth.
回复 :外星球几个机器人小伙伴为了拯救地球,在博士的引导下前往地球,同时和极恶势力、暗影军团一伙展开斗智斗勇的历险故事。
回复 :做我贺乔宴的女人,必须满足三个条件:喜欢被呵宠、喜欢被疼爱、喜欢被无微不至的照顾。这个女人恰好满足了所有要求,就要有只属于他的觉悟。