生死Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of the chef and the artist will cross and cause the birth of a new culinary genius.
生死Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of the chef and the artist will cross and cause the birth of a new culinary genius.
回复 :An action-packed, waking nightmare of relentless brutality and merciless revenge, set against the harsh landscape of rural Australia.
回复 :八个感化院的青年在两名警官的监督下,前往乡间一所破败的客栈中接受社区服务,但是他们的到来却无意中惊醒一个沉寂已久的恶魔。雅克布?古德奈特 饰(Glen Jacobs 格兰“凯恩”雅克布 饰),身高七英尺,体重四百磅,头骨里嵌着一个生锈的铁盘,锋利的指甲足够戳穿对手眼睛的精神病患者。雅克布四年前曾被警官弗兰克?威廉姆斯(Steven Vidler 饰)枪击头部,却侥幸逃生。如今弗兰克正是这群青年的督导员。弗兰克和孩子们的出现激起了雅克布屠杀的欲望,他举起巨斧,将客栈变作血腥的屠宰场……
回复 :本片讲述了实习善财童子王嘉诚下凡接受试炼,必须在限定时间挣取一笔财富的故事,自以为掌握了财运法则的他,却因为无法使用神力走捷径,而接连受挫。最后在热情善良的王小花的帮助下,王嘉诚领悟到勤劳努力才是财运密码。