回复 :During WW II, a young German woman is separated from her family and imprisoned by the Nazis. After being freed she falls in love with and marries a German officer. When Berlin falls to the Russians, and her husband killed, she flees to America, carrying his unborn child, all the while not giving up hope that she will find her family, tied together by her mother's ring
回复 :The life of Moonjung, the main character of Greenhouse, is not happy. She suffers from a psychological disorder, her young son is locked up in a juvenile detention center, and since she has no home, she lives in a greenhouse. She sometimes sees a man, but she’s not sure if she really loves him. However, since she is nice and sincere, she works as a caregiver for an elderly couple and gets by in harsh conditions until a tragic event happens. After the incident, her life falls into a whirlwind, and the narrative speeds into confusion. Using the genre conventions cleverly in every major part, the fate of Moonjung, who has fallen into the trap of tragedy, unfolds as a skillful thriller of pain.
回复 :爱尔兰少女费丽莎(Elaine Cassidy 饰)的男友尊尼赴英国打工音信全无,父亲认为尊尼参加了英军而勃然大怒反对他们结婚,费丽莎无奈之下以怀孕之身赶赴英国寻人,一无所获之际遇到了乔(Bob Hoskins 饰)。乔因依恋母亲,虽年过半百仍未婚娶,他留有所有母亲主持烹饪节目的录像带每日观看。乔为费丽莎的寻人之旅提供了多次帮助,但暗中却偷走了女孩的钱,费丽莎无处可去只得借宿乔家中,乔为方便接触费丽莎,虚构出在医院奄奄一息的妻子。原来乔有搭讪街头落魄女孩,然而把她们诓骗至家中杀死的爱好,乔又一次即将达到目的时,两名传教人员的到来让形势出现了转机……本片获2000年加拿大吉尼奖最佳摄影奖等多项褒奖。