资源A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed presents interviews from researchers and eyewitnesses. The film covers historical accounts of Bigfoot, the significance within the indigenous cultures, and the emotional impact of a Bigfoot experience.
资源A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed presents interviews from researchers and eyewitnesses. The film covers historical accounts of Bigfoot, the significance within the indigenous cultures, and the emotional impact of a Bigfoot experience.
回复 :A comedy about two estranged sisters brought back into each other's lives by the impending death of their grandmother.
回复 :轰趴狂嗨电音摇头,听来不过是轻狂少年消磨时光的常见公式,拆解后却是伤痕累累的真实情感。酸,是识透愁滋味的废青宣言,是不顾一切的自毁前程。他们没有不变友情、甜蜜家庭、纯洁初夜、美好未来;他们被正能量好好地隔绝在另一个世界。游离在不见天日的迷幻现实之中,他们吞噬青春,用最狂暴的方式敲开虚假,洞见千禧新世代的生命曙光。本片是初执导筒的俄国男星亚历山大葛奇林(Aleksandr Gorchilin)长片首作。挑衅满满的镜头语言,爆发独有的生猛力道,光荣入围柏林影展泰迪熊奖!
回复 :智炫是首尔一所大学的新生。他来自一个小镇,习惯于住在安静的乡村。搬到繁忙的韩国首都让他感到迷失方向和困惑。与此同时,年长的宰元在完成义务兵役后,返回首尔——以及同一所大学。两人开始对彼此产生好奇心。当他们加入了同一个冲浪俱乐部时,他们的关系开始升温。