回复 :潘金莲卖身葬父,被一员外买回家,晚上丫鬟告诉潘金莲晚上要小心关好门窗,潘金莲不解,结果员外趁着晚上潘金莲在屋内脱衣乘凉的时候给...,后来被财主老婆发现把潘金莲卖给武大郎,
回复 :When vice detective Bob Hightower finds his ex-wife murdered and daughter kidnapped by a satanic cult - Bob is frustrated by bumbling botched official investigations. Bob quits the police force, gets tattoos, and infiltrates the cult to hunt down the charismatic cult leader, Cyrus, with the help of the cult's only female victim escapee, the brilliantly damaged, Case Hardin. Bob is lead down the rabbit hole to save his daughter and Case seizes the opportunity to claim back her power from the cult that took so much away from her.
回复 :自媒体主编陈妙(周冬雨 饰)发布一篇爆款文章后,意外收到当事人的求助,并牵扯出一系列意想不到的事件。陈妙的合伙人何言(宋洋 饰),资本集团总裁岳鹏(袁弘 饰)陆续卷入其中,真相究竟为何,背后还有哪些秘密?一场以网络为载体的正义之战正在展开。