日韩A cautionary tale told in three contradicting accounts; this is a story of a broadcasting student who discovers the shady truth about the TV reporter he idolizes.
日韩A cautionary tale told in three contradicting accounts; this is a story of a broadcasting student who discovers the shady truth about the TV reporter he idolizes.
回复 :The trials and triumphs of Malti, an acid attack survivor. From the investigation of the attack to the court proceedings, the medical treatment to the emotional healing. Chhapaak is the story of the unquashable human spirit.
回复 :卡桑德拉(凯瑞·穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)曾是医学院里前途无量的高材生,却因为朋友的自杀而选择了退学。白天,卡桑德拉在咖啡店里打零工,而每当夜幕降临,她都会换上一身性感的装扮,出没于城市里各间声色犬马的夜总会之中,她会假扮成醉酒的样子,等待着某个“善良”的男人将她带回自己家中,由此来实行她对于男人的无伤大雅的报复。一天,卡桑德拉在咖啡店里和曾经的同学雷恩(博·伯翰 Bo Burnham 饰)重逢了,雷恩之后开始了对前者的热烈追求。雷恩的出现再次勾起了卡桑德拉对于学生时代悲惨经历的回忆,当她得知曾经造成自己好友死亡的罪魁祸首们如今都过上了各自精彩的人生后,复仇的火苗在内心里愈演愈烈。
回复 :在外地晋剧团工作的夏天一番周折后调回到本地工作,这样她便可以帮助母亲照顾已经患阿兹海默症十年的父亲,却没想到母亲竟因她的归来而感到焦虑。随着父亲病情的发展,原本以为自己会给父母带来温情的夏天才慢慢体会到生活的重量,却没想到命运的钟摆又向她袭来......