回复 :小赖恩对黑暗的地方产生屯恐惧感,他哥哥戴尔对他的恐惧一点都不在乎,以为他在哗众取宠。一天他们父母去参加派对要到深夜才回家,戴尔答应在家好好看着弟弟赖恩,一场暴风雨导致停电,赖恩感觉到黑夜的恶魔终于来临了,可怕的事情开始发生,戴尔终于明白赖恩的恐惧,可为时已晚……
回复 :上世纪八十年代,恶名昭著的“三不管”地带九龙城寨中黑帮盘踞,危机四伏。落难青年陈洛军(林峯 饰)因逃难误闯,意外被“大人物”龙卷风(古天乐 饰)搭救,更结下真挚兄弟情义。与此同时,觊觎城寨许久的恶人帮掀起了一轮轮夺寨狠斗,保卫家寨的高燃热血之战随即爆发!本片根据余儿原著小说《九龙城寨》改编。
回复 :This is a very bizarre fairy tale. It commences with a wedding and singing and dancing but nearly the whole village is wiped out by wolves. The bride gives birth to a daughter several months later and promises her to the boy who saved her.Ten years later there is another disruption when Some circus folk come by and the villagers trick them into staying. Tragedy ensues...This has a strange cast, dwarfs, giants, priests and occasional intrusions from the modern world in the form of the police and a wonderer who returns bringing to the village the good news of Nostradamus. It is a long film but it honestly does not drag. and if you get bored of the plot you can always look at the sumptuous Countryside.