回复 :Nine translators, hired to translate the eagerly awaitedfinal book of a bestselling trilogy, are confined in a luxuriousbunker. When the first ten pages of the top-secret manuscriptappear online, the dream job becomes a nightmare – the thief isone of them and the publisher (Lambert Wilson) is ready to dowhatever it takes to unmask him... or her.A suspenseful, edge-of-the-seat whodunit that will keep youriveted till the very end.
回复 :一群好友決定在萬聖節的夜晚前往郊外的鬼屋景點試膽,鬼屋內的工作人員不僅舉止怪異,而且全戴著陰森駭人的面具,隨著他們漸漸深入鬼屋內部,屋裡各種凶險的殺人機關也開始啟動,原本看似無傷大雅的嚇人把戲也變得越來越真實…
回复 :一位穷书生Stefano从未婚妻那得到了一台二手打字机,他发现打字机里缠绕着一盘特殊的碳带,上面写着一些古怪的文字。经过考证,Stefano发现文字遗留者是一位名叫Zeder的科学家,其科学实验发现:某些古老地形竟可以让死者复活。。。