2016年春天,呼唤驻村干部陈平来到豫北一个美丽的乡村,呼唤为了改变村里贫困户的窘迫现状,深切落实国家的“精准扶贫”政策,陈平深扎农村,为解决老百姓的民生问题煞费苦心。然而理想是丰满的,现实是骨感的,村里不同贫困户面临的困境都截然不同,有的人因家庭和生意变故酗酒成瘾,一蹶不振 ;有的人否认自己是贫困户,消极避世;有的人天性好吃懒做,丧失斗志......面对种种棘手难题,陈平陷入了思考与斗争之中......
2016年春天,呼唤驻村干部陈平来到豫北一个美丽的乡村,呼唤为了改变村里贫困户的窘迫现状,深切落实国家的“精准扶贫”政策,陈平深扎农村,为解决老百姓的民生问题煞费苦心。然而理想是丰满的,现实是骨感的,村里不同贫困户面临的困境都截然不同,有的人因家庭和生意变故酗酒成瘾,一蹶不振 ;有的人否认自己是贫困户,消极避世;有的人天性好吃懒做,丧失斗志......面对种种棘手难题,陈平陷入了思考与斗争之中......
回复 :人过中年的瑞斯图西亚夫妇生活优渥、饮食无忧。然而富足的物质条件总与匮乏的精神状况形成鲜明的对比。担任公司高管职务的丈夫卡罗(Fabrizio Bentivoglio 饰)与妻子激情不在,在某次同学会上他重逢了已为人妇的昔日恋人爱莉西娅(Monica Bellucci 莫妮卡•贝鲁奇 饰),他们的爱火重燃;妻子吉莉娅(Laura Morante 饰)为了家庭放弃自己钟爱的舞蹈事业,在好友的帮助下,她走入话剧圈真正去做一件自己想做的事情;19岁的儿子保罗(Silvio Muccino 饰)孤独无助,缺乏认同感,他只希望融入其他的同龄人中;18岁的女儿瓦伦蒂娜(Nicoletta Romanoff 饰)一心走上电视荧幕,为此不惜出卖肉体。这一家厌倦了生活现状的人,各自寻找着他们所理解的幸福,头破血流,也永不停止……
回复 :The play tells the story of a young couple, Cathy (played by Carol White) and Reg (Ray Brooks). Initially their relationship flourishes and they have a child and move into a modern home. When Reg is injured and loses his well-paid job, they are evicted by bailiffs, and they face a life of poverty and unemployment, illegally squatting in empty houses and staying in shelters. Finally, Cathy has her children taken away by social services.
回复 :Julia is a mother, or rather, one of many mothers, sisters, daughters, colleagues, who have had their lives torn apart by the widespread violence in a country waging a war against its women. Julia is searching for Ger, her daughter. And in her search, she will weave through the stories and struggles of the different women she will meet.