AMC宣布续订《灵魂伴侣 Soulmates》第二季,爱播而这剧首季尚未播出。这部预定下半年播出的剧由Will Bridges及Brett Goldstein制作,爱播改编自他们的短片《For Life》,剧中每集都是新故事及不同演员,讲述15年后我们得出一个重大科学发现 – 如何找到你的灵魂伴侣。
AMC宣布续订《灵魂伴侣 Soulmates》第二季,爱播而这剧首季尚未播出。这部预定下半年播出的剧由Will Bridges及Brett Goldstein制作,爱播改编自他们的短片《For Life》,剧中每集都是新故事及不同演员,讲述15年后我们得出一个重大科学发现 – 如何找到你的灵魂伴侣。
回复 :It's October 1914 and the war is not going well. The Germans are smashing through Belgium and the allies are in retreat. Hazel Bellamy is on a committee with Lady Prudence Fairfax to find temporary homes for the 5000 or more Belgian refugees that have come to Britain. Feeling an obligation to set an example, Hazel agrees to take in a family and expecting an aristocratic family of 3, receives an extended family of 5 peasant farmers who speak no English. They take residence in the servants' quarters but with the language barrier, it all proves to be a bit much for both sides. The servants find the refugees odd in their tastes and their refusal to take a bath in particular offends them. Rescue of a sort comes from Georgina who returns from a weekend away and having been schooled in Switzerland, is a fluent French speaker. The refugees tell her their horrific tale of death and terror at the hands of the invading Germans creating a greater understanding and a degree of empathy from the ... Written by garykmcd
回复 :若君(郑惠玉饰)转换工作跑道,到静好之家担任ADN。静好之家是集疗养院和乐龄护理中心于一间的设施。若君的团队包括职失去未婚夫的能治疗师颜夜风(洪凌饰),喜欢上单亲妈妈的医疗助理周留芒(黄振隆饰),还有求学时期爱恋夜风的富家子梅义士(张哲通饰)。在处理中心里长辈们的人生课题当中,医护团队成员也将各自有所成长。
回复 :1948年,国共两党的抗争已达到白热化阶段,天下大势虽初现端倪,却也恰恰处在极为凶险,丝毫容不得有任何闪失的关键时刻。九月的一天,一名中共地下党员在沪落网并叛变,为求自保其意欲向时任上海国民政府中央情报第八局的局长谭忠恕(林永健 饰)供出一名重要卧底,此举无疑关系着我党革命的成败。谭此前和我党传奇特工水手有过多次交手经历,此番他胜券在握,而一连串的变故令其意识到敌我双方泥潭之凶险。与此同时,谭为了阻止药品大亨庄文清手中的药品落入解放军之手,透过儿子的校长段海平(陆剑民 饰)实施摩西计划;极富野心的第八局行动处长李伯涵在疯狂追查共党卧底的过程中,则将矛头指向谭最信任的总务处处长刘新杰(吴秀波 饰)。你来我往,明枪暗箭,黎明前最凶险的棋局悄悄布开……