回复 :八仙之一的吕洞宾在与混元魔尊的一次大战中因擅自行事,间接导致了何仙姑仙殒。被贬下凡的他遇见了与何仙姑长相一样但性格完全不同的山寨寨主白莺,为救仙姑,吕洞宾与白莺及神犬子敖一同踏上了危机四伏的东游之路……
回复 :沈红眉在车祸中受了轻伤,而她的丈夫白华不仅被重度烧伤还失忆。白华对家人、朋友完全没有记忆和印象,红眉只能一点点告诉他之前的事情。白华的生意合伙人玄峰告诉他,这场车祸不简单。经过调查,原来被烧伤并失忆的并非白华,而是蓝平。红眉开枪打死了白华,并给蓝平植皮整容成了白华的样貌。最终,良心发现的蓝平不愿继续和红眉私奔,一怒之下红眉开枪打死蓝平并自杀。
回复 :Firenze's leading, very wealthy jewelers family heir Francesco Sabrini received a cryptic death treat on the back of a renaissance painting in their private attic collection. A masterly forgery was offered in Fabio Milus's Roman auction house, but German-born art expert Susanna Noll kept it back for investigation in he artist's home city, Florence, to consult her art history mentor, professor Andreas von Weissenfels. There she stays with friend Elisabeth Lanzi, who introduces here to Francesco and his family. During their research, which unearths modern crime with a link to a Renaissance-rumored fratricide, initially secretive Francesco and Susanna become lovers