回复 :年轻美丽的波琳正在和她性感的堂姐玛利恩在法国风景秀丽的大西洋海岸度假,这一切的发生是因为不久前三个男子诱惑她们陷入爱河。当谎言和欺骗妨碍他们多愁善感的情绪的时候,田园诗般的乐园不再甜蜜……波琳天真无邪的爱情观不再纯洁……
回复 :自幼父母双亡的素芳跟着戏班走南闯北,戏班老板郑敬山的真实身份是革命党人,他可怜素芳的身世,对她照料有加。素芳无意中救出被当地军阀追杀的青年陈学明,将他藏身在戏班里,学明的父母被杀,他一心报仇,郑敬山劝学明参加革命党。军阀得知戏班里有革命党,将整个戏班软禁了起来,素芳为救学明,死在军阀丁禄枪下,学明悲愤之极与丁禄同归于尽。
回复 :Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only life Peel Munter has ever known is within the confines of his childhood home. Upon his mother's unexpected death, 30-year-old Peel is left lost and utterly alone. With no job, family, or friends, he must make a choice; live as his mother did, lonely and unsettled, or change the course of his impending fate by breaking out into the unknown, facing the trials and tribulations of an outside world he doesn't understand. Unable to make the house payments, Peel decides to take in a couple of drifters as roommates. After forging what seems to be a burgeoning new family and brotherhood, one of the roommates betrays Peel's trust, compelling Peel to venture out in search of his long-lost, real brothers who had been taken away from him decades ago. Along the way, Peel's lack of cynicism and innocence has an inadvertent, yet powerful effect on those he meets, as he brings a group of marginalized misfits closer to their true home.