回复 :The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", owner of a popular New York City nightclub. In addition, he is a major player in one of the city's biggest illegal drug networks. He struggles to balance these two lives, and the balance topples when he realizes he wants to leave the drug ring in order to support his legitimate business.
回复 :Two couples and meijubar.net their single friend, all at different stages in their relationships, deal with the complications of dating, commitment and marriage.
回复 :贺义(谢天华 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的富家大少爷,从小就过着养尊处优的富贵生活。贺义没有别的什么兴趣爱好,唯一的爱好就是赌,不管怎样的赌局,都能激发他狂热的兴趣。某天,贺义狂赌了三天三夜,最终因为体力不支而晕倒在了路边,此时,一位名叫杜丽莹(钟嘉欣 饰)的姑娘恰巧从旁边路过,救起了贺义,两人 就此相识,而贺义更是不可自拔的爱上了杜丽莹。在误打误撞之中,杜丽莹成为了贺义的妻子,可是,杜丽莹生平最恨的事情就是赌博。为了讨太太的欢心,贺义发誓戒赌,可是现实哪里有这么容易,一次又一次的,贺义出尔反尔,并且最终连太太都给输了出去。